Sunday, 27 February 2011

What does it smell like Kurt?

What are the latest trends?
 I found myself asking this question in recent weeks. The trends for Autumn Winter as I've picked up from magazines and endless scrolling of pictures from the recent Joburg Fashion week, I can definitely say are:

1) Leather - I'm going to say pletha as I am animal friendly

2) Fur - I prefer the faux variety (Save the Fox)

3)Neutrals - Camel as in the colour not the cigarettes

4)Full Skirts - I love this because of the effect you get when you twirl around

5)1950's - Think Marilyn Monroe

Happy Birthday Mr President
 These are the trends in black and white but will anyone actually adhere to them. If the editors used to be the sole dictators of what was worn, and that power is slowly being drained by bloggers and free will ( yes we have evolved to fashion free will) what are we going to be wearing this Autumn? My thoughts - might I add I dream of clothes 6 out of 7 nights a week - are micro trends. Fads, things that come and go like that scarf everyone took to wearing for 2 weeks in 2007.

Is it that simple? Is fashion is becoming less about rules and more about free will? If that's the case what is the point of magazines? Major question overload! I mean every single publication on average is peddling at least 5 of the same seasonal trends at the same time. No jokes! I took to buying every fashion magazine in circulation in one month and counted, needless to say I went bankrupt for the month and had to survive on crackers and cheese. Oh the joy of the student allowance. But hey who says fashion isn't food.

 So if we have evolved to rebelling against fashion ala Kurt Cobain 'Smells like Teen Spirit' grunge era what really is the point of the scary editor in chief judging our every fashion moment. It's not like we going to be following the guidelines of fashion, because the truth is we now making our own rules. And if you not, well, its either you haven't taken that deep breath and owned your look, or you waiting on that last breath of confidence.

Literally: come as you are is the new fashion philosophy

Pics: Google

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